2024/25 Registrations Now Open
Registrations are now open for the upcoming 2024/25 Softball Season.
The season commences on Saturday 12th October 2024. We are looking for players of all ages both male and female.
All GAMES are played at Bateau Bay Sports Ground, Passage Rd, Bateau Bay.
All TRAINING is held at James Browne Oval, Welcome St, Woy Woy.
Juniors - 5pm to 6pm
Seniors - 6:15pm to 7:15pm
Registration Fees:
4yrs - 8yrs - $115.00
9yrs - 12yrs - $160.00
12yrs - 18yrs - $170.00
18yrs and over - $205.00
All new players receive their playing shirt and cap free. All players need to purchase grey playing shorts - $15. If a player wants to wear regular playing pants they will need to source their own. They must be grey in colour. Players will also need long white sports socks and shin pads for junior players. Players can wear joggers or moulded soccer/football boots. Metal cleats are not allowed.
The club has limited entry level and regular fielding gloves available for purchase for $25.00 and $50.00 respectively.
All other equipment is supplied by the club.
Hoodies and Jackets are available to purchase from the club.
We would love to have you join the Ducks family.