
Parkes Hockey Incorporated

2024 Rep Field Season

2024 Field State Championships Venues

Hockey NSW is pleased to announce the venues and dates for the 2024 Field State Championships.

Hockey NSW has completed a thorough Expression of Interest process and received a submission from a

large number of interested Associations.

The dates and venues below follow on from the Field State Championship review that was undertaken in

2023. The outcome of that review is the catalyst behind the changes to the structure of the Opens and

Under 18s FSC. Hockey NSW has also adjusted the age groups for the Under 14s and Under 16s for this to

now be in line with Hockey Australia and the National Championships.

Furthermore, the Under 14s and Under 16s dates have been adjusted to allow athletes, coaches, and officials

a more structured timeline in accordance with their respective National Championships. NSW State Team

selections will be removed from the State Championships with these selections now being run through the

Futures program, as indicated in the review. State Championships will now be seen as a talent identification

opportunity to align with our talent pathway.

Hockey NSW is dedicated to not only providing great events for stakeholders, but as an organisation we are

focussed on allocating our premier events to regions and associations that meet the Hockey NSW core event


Hockey NSW core event principles

• Quality of Facilities and Community Infrastructure (ability to accommodate, feed and support the

number of visitors to the town/region)

• Leverage both existing and new Council Partnerships

• Spread of events across the State

• Past event locations

• Leverage both existing and new commercial Partnerships

• Growth opportunity for the sport and hosting association


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