
Parkes Hockey Incorporated

Girls Under 18's Code of Conduct State Champs 2018


Fri 04 May 2018 00:00 — 23:59

Event information

This event has passed.

By Registering for this Event you are agreeing that both the parent/guardian, and your child participating in the Girls NSW State Championships 2018 in Newscastle have read , understood and agree to the bound to the NSW State Championship Code Of Conduct that is detail below.

2016 STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS PLAYERS AND TEAM OFFICIALS CODE OF CONDUCT DUE: TWO (2) weeks prior to the Championship to your Association and then Hockey NSW is to receive the participation declaration form One (1) week prior to the Championship stating your Association is in possession of this document.

You, by reistering for this event through the Parkes Hockey Website, hereby apply to participate in recreational activities subject to the terms, conditions and disclaimer of liability below:

Disclaimer 1. As a potential participant, you acknowledge and accept that the game of hockey including but not limited to playing hockey and umpiring hockey (“the activity”) constitutes a dangerous recreational activity pursuant to the Civil Liability Act, 2002 and that participation in the activity involves a significant risk of physical harm or personal injury including permanent disability and/or death. Any such injury may result not only from your actions (including physical exertion) but also from the action, omission or negligence of others.

2. You further agree that Hockey NSW including its officers, employees or agents shall not be liable to any person (including but not limited to you) for any injury, loss, damage, death, economic loss whatsoever suffered by you or any third party (including Hockey NSW) including legal costs and expenses, whether consequential, direct or indirect, caused by or arising out of your participation in the activity. This exclusion shall apply in respect of any claim, suit, demand or action under statute, contract, tort, in equity, estoppel or any other cause of action, for compensation, restitution, penalty or any other remedy, other than the negligence where the injury, loss, damage, death or economic loss arises from the negligence of Hockey NSW or its officers, employees or agents.

3. You agree to indemnify and agree to keep indemnified Hockey NSW, its officers, employees and agents in respect of any injury, loss, damage, death, economic loss whatsoever suffered by you or any third party (including Hockey NSW) including legal costs and expenses, whether consequential, direct or indirect, caused by or arising out of your participation in the activity. This indemnity shall apply in respect of any claim, suit, demand or action under statute, contract, tort, in equity, estoppel or any other cause of action, for compensation, restitution, penalty or any other remedy, other than the negligence where the injury, loss, damage, death or economic loss arises from the negligence of Hockey NSW or its officers, employees or agents.

4. To the fullest extent that Hockey NSW can exclude any warranties or conditions which might otherwise be implied by any competent legislation, it excludes all implied warranties.

5. Unless previously disclosed in writing to Hockey NSW, you do not suffer from any disability, illness or impairment which may affect your participation in the activity.

6. You must immediately inform Hockey NSW of any injury or situation that concerns your personal safety or health or that of another participant. All accidents and injuries must be reported to Hockey NSW before leaving the activity site. Any claim whatsoever against Hockey NSW must be made in writing and directed to the Chief Executive within 28 days of the date of the activity. Code of Conduct

7. You must follow all directions given by Hockey NSW and act in compliance with all championship rules.

8. You must not argue with the decisions of any umpires and must cooperate with all coaching staff, management and teammates.

9. You must not take part in social activities which are not approved by your team management.

10. You must act honestly, in good faith and in the best interests of your team and home association.

11. You must not engage in any derogatory or offensive conduct.

12. You acknowledge that the drinking of alcohol and smoking in uniform is prohibited and the taking of illicit drugs is strictly prohibited.

13. You further acknowledge that a breach of the terms and conditions contained in this document will result in you being prohibited from further participation in the activity.

14. You must not engage in any conduct that is likely to discredit upon your team and home association.

15. You must not make any public comments which could be construed as derogatory against, or critical of your, your team and home association.

16. You must be responsible and aware that you are representing your family, your club and your hometown or city. 2016 STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS PLAYERS AND TEAM OFFICIALS CODE OF CONDUCT DUE: TWO (2) weeks prior to the Championship to your Association and then Hockey NSW is to receive the participation declaration form One (1) week prior to the Championship stating your Association is in possession of this document. 

17. You further acknowledge and agree that you have entered this agreement and undertaken the activity freely, voluntarily and absolutely at your own risk and with a full appreciation of the nature and extent of all risks involved.

18. This waiver shall bind you and your heirs, successors and legal personal representatives.

19. You have read and voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions as stated above.

20. A guardian’s signature is required for participants who are under 18 years of age and for participants under the care of a guardian. You are further aware that serious breaches of this code of conduct will result in being prohibited from further participation in the championship. Cost caused, for example to other peoples property will be my responsibility. Use of Images I acknowledge and consent to photographs and electronic images being taken of me during my participating in any Hockey activities. I acknowledge and agree that such photographs and electronic images are owned by Hockey NSW and that it may use the photography or electronic images for promotional or other purposes without my further consent being necessary. Further, I consent to Hockey NSW using my name, image, likeness and also my performance in the Hockey activities, at any time, by any form of media, to promote the Hockey activities.

Files for download
HNSW Code of Conduct form (1)


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