Dear Rowers, Family and Friends,
The club annual dinner will be held on Saturday 20 July 2024. Please book your seats using Revolutionise, and if you are having any troubles, please contact the President.
Catering has been booked, which will be a roast buffet with various meats, vegetables and salads, and some tasty treats for for dessert. The bar will be open as well. Make sure you bring some spare cash for raffles. Incidentally, we would welcome raffle donations as well. Any queries or issues speak to Jeremy.
Dress standard is formal, no jeans or sneakers please!
Please finalise your bookings by Wednesday 10 July 2024, so we can finalise the catering.
Lastly, there has been a special request from the organising committee. If you have any photographs from past season, can you please send them to the president via email: We want some photos to display for the night, so photographs of training, race days and other events would be welcome.
Thanks and regards
PARC Committee