New Members Meet & Greet Morning Sunday 14 March 2021


Sun 14 Mar 2021 10:00 — 11:30

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Calling all new Members and their proposers and seconders to our New Member Meet & Greet 

10am at the Cabbage Tree Club 

On arrival you will be welcomed to morning tea in the Cabbage Tree Clubhouse*, providing an opportunity to meet with the current committee members across the two clubs.

During this time, we will provide a background to the club’s history and an overview of the grounds and the Club rules.

Following morning tea our committee will provide guided tours across the grounds.

Please ensure you register for this event if you are coming to the New Members Welcome

Due to COVID-19 Public Health Orders, we are limited to the number of attendees.

To assist us with allocating numbers in line with our COVID-19 Safety Plan, we require members to register their attendance online prior to the 4pm Wed 10 March cut-off and indicate whether you are RSVP'ing for one or two people so we can plan and cater effectively. 


* The CTC Clubhouse is a licensed venue so children under the age of 18 will need to remain outside of the CTC with a parent.
