New Members Meet & Greet Morning 2020


Sun 13 Dec 2020 10:00 — 19:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Calling all new Members and their proposers and seconders to our New Member Meet & Greet 

10am at the CTC followed by the 11am CTC & PC Cup Races.

Then join us for 12.30pm Drinks, BBQ on the Terraces behind the Cabbage Tree Club.

Have a go in the races (you will need to purchase a $40 high vis vest - available at the office)

Please ensure you register for this event if you are coming to the New Members Welcome and indicate whether your are RSVP'ing for one or two people so we can plan and cater effectively.



**Due to COVID-19 Public Health Orders, we are limited to the number of attendees.

To assist us with allocating numbers in line with our COVID-19 Safety Plan, we require Members to register their attendance online prior to the midday Wed 9 December cut off.
