Start Skippering - CYCA Rushcutters Bay - August 4 + 11


Tue 04 Aug 2020 09:30 — Sun 04 Aug 2024 16:00
Australian Sailing - 5. Start Skippering

Course information

Practical Course Content:

  • Safety, responsibility and risk management
  • Complete several sailing skills as a helmsperson
  • Meteorology
  • Local Knowledge

Keelboat - Start Skippering Course

  • Single Person Price: $860
  • We suggest also the RYA Essential Navigation and Seamanship, Safety and Sea Survival, Marine Radio Operating
  • Plus $150 Australian Sailing registration, insurance on school boats, logbook, textbook. (If it is the first course you have done at PSS)

Course Overview
You will now advance your sailing skills and safety knowledge to enable you to skipper unsupervised in sheltered waters.

Course Prerequisites

Water confident and the skills, knowledge and experience you've gained from completing the Start Crewing and Start Helming courses.

Who should do this course?

This course is designed for participants who wish to begin skippering a keelboat, unsupervised.

Course Outcome

You will gain your Start Skippering completion certificate. 

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