Nose and Tail and Tristram Shield 12 Feb 2022


Sat 12 Feb 2022 11:00 — 20:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.


Nose and Tail Trophy and Tristram Shield interclub competition

Saturday 12 February 2022

Organised by Oxley Sailing Club
In conjunction with
South Brisbane Sailing Club

1.    Rules
The regatta will be governed by the current ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), the prescriptions and special regulations of Australian Sailing this Notice Of Race and the Sailing Instructions of Oxley Sailing Club Inc .

2.    Eligibility and Entry
All boats currently registered at both Oxley Sailing Club (OSC) and South Brisbane Sailing Club (SBSC) are eligible  to compete.
Competing crew must be financial members of their respective clubs.
Sailors are required to register on the OSC website by 5.00 pm Friday 11 February.
Entry is completed by signing on to the race sheet in Oxley Clubhouse by Race Briefing time - 1.00 pm Saturday 12 February.

3.    Fees
There is no race entry fee.

4.    Fleets
Fleet 1         Dinghies with AS Yardstick less than 125 -NS14, Tasar, Laser, OK, Impulse.
Fleet 2        Dinghies with AS Yardstick 125 and above – Pacer, Heron.
Fleet 3        Junior dinghies – Optimist and Open Skiff (BIC)

5.    Schedule
Club open for registration     1100 hrs
Race Briefing 1300 hrs

Race Start:   

Fleet 1 1400 hrs
Fleet 2 1405 hrs
Fleet 3 1410 hrs

6.    Racing Area
In the vicinity of Oxley Sailing Club on the Indooroopilly and Tennyson Reaches of the Brisbane River

7.    Courses
As described in the Sailing Instructions

8.    Scoring

Low point scoring for individual boats using AS Yardstick applied to elapsed time to give corrected time.

The event will be decided for each fleet by the performance of the team of fewer yachts compared to the performance of the same number of the best-placed yachts of the opposing team.

9.    Prizes
Team trophies awarded:
Fleet 1        Nose and Tail Trophy
Fleet 2        Tristram Shield
Fleet 3        Junior Trophy

10.    Presentation and BBQ
Commences approx 1700 hrs
BBQ cost $10 ea

11.    Parking

The club lawn is reserved for rigging dinghies. Vehicles may enter to unload but must be parked  off site.There is parking along Leybourne Street to the east of the club.