Outback Rowing Australia Inc
Outback Rowing Australia Inc
The Blazers and Boots BBQ - Saturday Night

The Barcaldine Blazers and Boots BBQ

Bring your club blazers and boots for the Saturday night party at the Barcaldine clubhouse after the sprint regatta.

Dress is Blazers on top and shorts/skirts and boots down below (Akubras also welcome). 

The bus back to Longreach will leave after the BBQ and presentations. 

NOTE: No old men in zooties will be allowed in! Shorts must be worn.

Barcaldine, Queensland ▪ Saturday 1 October 2022 from 5pm

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Travel & Accommodation - Update

Accommodation bookings closing soon

We need to finalise the bookings for the Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. Rooms have been reserved at the Outback Hub (formerly, the Longreach Pastoral College), which are all single rooms with shared bathrooms. These rooms are $115 per person, per night including breakfast. Room bookings are now open through the shop. Please make your booking by Monday 19th September.

Bus bookings closing soon

Like the accommodation we need to finalise bus numbers. You need to book the buses prior to the event, no bookings will be taken on the day. Buses are organised for airport transfers and travel to and from the regattas for those staying at the Outback Hub. If you are staying at a Longreach motel you are welcome to jump on the buses you will just need to get to the Outback Hub. Bus bookings are now open through the shop

We encourage everyone to use the accom and transport options organised to take the stress out of the event for your club exec.  

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The Outback Convoy

The Outback Convoy - Update

Please note that we are now staying in Emerald on the Thursday night not Moura. 

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The Outback Convoy

Orphan Rowers

If you are a local or are travelling to the event and would like a seat in a boat please email the Outback Rowing crew (hello@outbackrowing.com) and we will try and find you a seat. 

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