Playing Conditions

Playing Times

Association Croquet:

 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

 9:30 am to 12:30pm

Golf Croquet:

 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and Saturday.

 From 1:00 pm

Further details on playing schedule are available here 

If you are interested in learning to play croquet, please contact the Club.


GC play is organised as follows:

  • Players register by 9.20 am for Wednesday morning session and by 12.50 pm for the afternoon sessions (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday) by placing their name tag in the bucket.
  • A random draw is made for the first round of play for Primaries on Court 1, Primaries on Court 2, Secondaries on Court 1 and Secondaries on court 2.
  • (If there are more than 16 players, a further draw is made for another game of Primaries which will be played when the first game of primaries is finished.)
  • A second-round draw is then made so that when the Primaries games are finished, 2 players from each court swap courts and play with the remaining 2 primaries players on the other court. Players do not have the same partners as in round 1. Similarly with the secondaries players.
  • After these 2 rounds, players may form their own games.
  • If players arrive after the initial draw, they may be slotted in to play depending on available places.
  • If players arrive early, they may practice but must be off the court by 9.25 am on Wednesday mornings and 12.55 pm on the afternoons to allow the primaries games to start at 9.30 am and 1 pm, respectively.

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