Rules, Judiciary & Policy


Ovens & Murray Water Polo Association is affliated with Water Polo NSW and Water Polo Australia. With effect 01 July 2022 Water Polo NSW (WPNSW) adopted the National Integrity Framework (NIF).

NIF is a set of rules that all members of a sport need to follow when it comes to their behaviour and conduct in sport.  

Threats to sports integrity include things like illicit drug use, doping, competition manipulation and behaviours that impact people's positive experience of sport, such as discrimination or abuse. 

Integrity in sport means athletes, supporters and fans can participate and celebrate sport, confident in the knowledge that they are part of a safe, fair and inclusive environment. All WPNSW members and participants have an obligation to protect and maintain the integrity of our sport.

Sport Integrity Australia is the national agency established to protect sport against integrity threats. 

Local Match Rules for the Ovens & Murray Water Polo Association are reviewed and updated prior to each season, these rules consider the needs of our local community and consider player opportunities and pathways, avaialble pool space that may impact game times, membership engagement and value for money.






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