Ovens & Murray Water Polo Association
The Ovens and Murray Water Polo Association is one of the biggest regional associations outside of Sydney. Five local clubs make up the association, Wodonga Dolpins are based at WAVES, Northside Stingrays train at Lavington Swim Centre, Albury Tigers, Sharks and Pool Pirates train at Albury Pool. Flippa Ball is a skills based and fun environment for boys and girls aged 8 to 12 years and includes a combination of basic skills and non competitive games, run on Saturday mornings. Our Junior competition is played on a Saturday afternoon at WAVES and Albury Pool and consists of Boys and Girls U14's and U16's. For members who are U12 and play juniors your membership entitles you to attend flippa ball for free, please shpw proof of registrtation as a junior when you attend.
The Seniors are prodiminatley played on Sundays, with a few games played on a Friday night. Competiton grades includes men and women in C, B and A grade, all games are played at WAVES and Albury Pool. We do not have a mixed competition. We encourange members to also participate as referees and offer learning opportunities for referees and officials with training supported by WPAUS and WPNSW.
Some important season dates:
- Registrations will open early September, clubs are already taking EOIs from players to be ready to submit team entries by September 12th
- Season starts for Juniors + Seniors October 11th, 2024
- Flippa Ball Season starts October 19th, we will have round bye on November 9th Break for holidays after December 15th Returning Februay 1st
- Carnival dates
- Junior Canberra Cup Nov 8th-10th, 2024
- NSW Junior Country Clubs Nov 17th-18th, 2024
- Geelong Tri-State Feb 15th-16th, 2025 TBC
- The Big Orange U12's Carnival March 7th-9th, 2025
- ACTWP Junior Cup Championships March 7th-9th, 2025
Let Kids Be Kids
Let's be reminded that SPORT is meant to be FUN! take a moment watch these video's and remind yourself why we play SPORT! Let's address poor sideline behaviour, no matter the age we all deserve respect.
Find out more at Play By the rules
General Feedback
We thank you for taking the time to offer your thoughts and ideas, click on the feedback button below or email secretary@omwaterpolo.com with any ideas or questions.
If you see an equipment fault or OHS concern we ask that any member submit a ticket so we can assess and fix as soon as possible. Thank you for your support and help to keep all members safe.
How to raise a concern?
Everyone from athletes, officials, parents, support personnel, administrators and supporters play a role in protecting the integrity of our sport. Complaints received will be evaluated and either managed by O&M or escalated to WPNSW, WPA or referred to SIA or an appropriate external agency, or passed back to the complainant with suggested pathways for them to pursue where the Complaint is out of scope.
If you see or hear something that doesn’t seem right, say something!