
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

ORWA Membership

Membership of Ocean Racing WA for the 2024-25 season is open!

Ocean Racing WA Inc (ORWA) is a registered Association and offers membership. Membership is available to any person who supports the objects or purposes of the Association. 
In an effort to maximise engagement between owners and crews there are three types of membership. These are Ordinary membership, Associate membership and Casual membership.

If a boat wishes to be scored in any ORWA Series then the owner must be an Ordinary member. The Casual option is for boat owners who wish to test the waters and compete in up to three races during the season, or the WA IRC State Championships. 

Membership Type For Annual Fee
Associate Member Crew, volunteers and supporters $50
Casual Member Suitable for a boat owner testing the waters and racing in up to 3 races or the WA IRC State Championships. (Not eligible for ORWA Series scores.) $150
Ordinary Member Boat owner, racing in the ORWA Series and those who wish to have full membership rights.  $350


ORDINARY MEMBERSHIP - register and pay online. Membership will be valid after payment has been made in full. 

CASUAL AND ASSOCIATE - register and pay online.

Please contact the General Manager if you need assistance (email:

Applicants should make themselves aware of the Constitution for Ocean Racing WA, in particular the section relating to membership. More information is available on the website or by contacting ORWA (email:  Membership is with the class association and does not grant you an Australian Sailing registration. You must be a current member of an affiliated yacht club to have a valid AS number. 

In submitting to ORWA the membership form you agree and declare:

    a)  that the information supplied by you in the application is true and correct; and

    b)  to observe and comply with the Constitution (available on the ORWA website) and rules adopted by ORWA. 

  • To complete the registration process you will need to know your current Australian Sailing Number, to check your AS Number CLICK HERE
  • Please use the RETURNING (AS) MEMBER BUTTON to the side of this page to continue.
  • For social / non-sailing Associate membership for those without an AS number, you may click the register button to sign up as a new person.

We welcome you to become a member of Ocean Racing WA for the 2024-25 season.

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