
UWA Outdoor Club

Frequently Asked Questions

Fresquently Asked Questions


How many people are in the club?

Currently there is over 250 members in the club.


Do I have to be a UWA Student to join?

No, the club is open for all to join. The only difference is the membership prices. We have different prices depending on whether you are a current UWA student, an ex-UWA student, a student from another university, etc.


Can I bring a friend along if they aren’t a member?

Yes! However, a non-member can only attend two trial ODC sessions before they must sign up themselves.


Why do I have to pay to be a member?

Membership cost is the only monetary contribution we ask of our members and these payments alone allows us to maintain all our equipment and continue to provide the best possible experience.


How do I hear about events?

Events are advertised through emails sent to our members via our RevolutioniseSport webpage. 

ODC events can also be view on our website at: ODC Events Calendar


Why am I not getting emails?

Your membership may have expired or your email address may not be correctly recorded in RevolutioniseSport. You can check this by,

1. Login to ODC.RevolutioniseSport and ensuring your membership is still current.

2. Once logged in check that the email address we have on record is correct.

3. Finally, if both of these seem to be in order, our emails may simply be going to spam. This is very common so please check before contacting our membership's officer at odc.memebers@gmail.com


Why do I need an Outdoor Club Sticker?

To prove to third parties that you really are a member, and to give you access to all the discounts and other benefits available to ODC members such as discounted bouldering on Monday nights's at Portside Osborne Park and discounted outdoors gear from Paddy Palin. ODC membership stickers change every year and it is your responsibility to claim your membership sticker. ODC instructors should have some on hand and ready to go so don't hesitate to ask at your next session. 


Why aren’t there more sessions?

All of our instructors and committee members are volunteers who offer their time to help run the club. We all balance various jobs, study, other volunteering, and personal lives on top of running sessions. The running of sessions is also dependent on weather conditions. We try our best but if you want more sessions, you are all encouraged to upskill and run your own sessions whenever suits you!


I’m very experienced in this activity, do I really need to do the ODC skill tests?

Yes, our skill levels help us to confirm that everyone has the appropriate skill for each activity, which keeps everyone safe.

Our club encourages mentorship, proper technique and safe procedures in every discipline we run. This ensures you get a base education for your discipline's skill set and it minimizes the risk to yourself and others. Different activities require a different skillset so we teach you these skills before you can attend specific activities to make sure everyone is safe. Our Bylaws lay out our skill progression program for each discipline: Level 1 is basic skills and at Level 2 and 3 you will begin to teach others. Find the bylaws under Club Documents.


How do I become a Volunteer Instructor?

Our Bylaws lay out our skill progression program for each discipline: Level 1 is basic skills and at Level 2 and 3 you will begin to teach others. All of our volunteer instructors are signed off by Level 2 and 3 instructors before they can run sessions. Find the bylaws under Club Documents.


Where can I get an ODC T-Shirt?

Contact Taneesha, our Vice president at odc.vicepresident@gmail.com 


Connect with Us on Socials

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/uwaodc/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/uwaodc/