Check in/out with QR code

Make sure you have your RevSport login username and password ready to go.

  • Username:  jsmith (participants first initial and surname)
  • Pwd: don't tell anyone your password - if you've forgotton, select Forgot login details? and follow the prompts


To Check In

  1. Scan the QR code located on the table 
  2. Log in to Ocean Grove Cali RevSport, if prompted
  3. Select Check In button 
  4. If signed in correctly, the button will now appear as Check Out


To Check Out

  1. Enter the building to collect your child - for the children's safety, they will not be allowed to leave the the hall if they are not accompanied by the adult checking them out
  2. Scan the QR code located on the table
  3. Select the Check Out button



Oops! I forgot to Check In/Out

No worries...

You can do it remotely below, for the OG Hall or BH Hall.  


Ocean Grove Memorial Hall

CLICK HERE if you forgot to use the QR code to CHECK IN/OUT


Barwon Heads Community Hall

CLICK HERE if you you forgot to use the QR code to CHECK IN/OUT