AED Community Education Training


Mon 04 Sep 2023 08:30 — 10:00
Surf Life Saving Australia - First Aid

Program information

This program has passed.

Demystifying Defibrillators - a community education session

Ocean Beach Surf Life Saving Club invites our Silver Salties to attend an education session on the use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), otherwise known Defibrillators. It is an awareness session to increase the understanding of what AED's do, how to use one effectively and ultimately improve the confidence of people in the community around AED's. The session is information sharing and there is no certificate at this time for the content shared. It will be around 45 mins in duration with 15 mins for questions and answers. There will be opportunity for hands-on use of the training devices and manikins. At the end of the session there will be an information sheet covering 'frequently asked questions' (FAQs). The education session will be facilitated by Richard Grimmond, our club trainer of First Aid and Advanced Resuscitation Techniques. Ocean Beach plans for this program will be rolled out to the broader community so we will be asking you for your valuable feedback.

  • When: Monday 4th September

  • Time: 8.30am (straight after our morning walk)

  • Where: Upstairs at Ocean Beach Surf Life Saving Club

  • RSVP: Sunday 3rd September (reply to this email or contact Louise on 0431 573 191)

We’d love you to bring a friend along – or invite a friend to join in the session at 8.30am.

Kind regards, Your Silver Salties Team