NWL Academy Game Day St Arnaud February 27th 2022


Sun 27 Feb 2022 11:00 — 14:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Welcome to the first of our game days with our three Academies joining together in St Arnaud. For those of you who have not been to the St Arnaud hockey ground it is part of Lord Nelson Park near the Sports Club, 26 Dunstan Street, St Arnaud. There is a car park near th hockey field or car parking on the trotting track.

In preparation for the day, we encourage your child to eat a good breakfast, hydrate and apply sunscreen. St Arnaud Hockey Club have kindly offered to provide a canteen on the day including: Sausages, hamburgers, dim sims, salad rolls, soft drinks, Primas, flavoured milk, tea, coffee, lollies, zooper doopers. Sales will be cash only, please support the club.

Please arrive by 10.45am to give yourself enough time to check in, get your playing gear on and be on the pitch at 11.00am. Upon arrival, please scan the QR code at the hockey shed. Use the hand sanitizer provided and where possible, please social distance. If you are spectating, we suggest bringing a chair.

Players will play age-based games using the same age groups as JCC and JSC – Under 13, Under 15 and Under 18.  There may be gender specific games, dependent on numbers in each age group.  The games will occur on ¼, ½ and full-size pitches for differing time periods but it is anticipated that players will spend close to 2 hours playing under game conditions. This is a great opportunity to concentrate on game craft and put into practise the skills developed over the last few weeks. Players will be coached by different coaches throughout the day, so encourage your child to listen and act on feedback to assist with their development.

We ask that players bring all their hockey equipment. The Six Ss - shoes, socks, shin guards, shorts/skirt, shirt, safety (mouth guard).  Players are asked to wear their black training shirt, and we will provide bibs to distinguish teams during games. Players are not to swap or share bibs. If they are required to change teams then collect a new bib. If your child is a goalkeeper can they please bring both field and goalie gear.

This is a great starting point for considering nominating for the Lightning Junior State Championships (JSC) teams. Further information about JSC will be distributed shortly, but if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. It would be great to see all of our Academy players nominate and trial in April.

Lightning prides itself on the comradery between its players in all the associations.  A great many long-lasting friendships have been formed with both players and parents over the years.  We want this trend to continue so please make yourself known to each other.

We are looking for a few umpires to assist with our matches. If you are able to assist please indicate on the registration form.

Before you leave the ground please make sure you thank the coaches that have worked hard under Jamie Pain’s guidance to coordinate this great program.

If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Angela Poxon