
Tasar Association of NSW

Pre-Vote Discussion - Proposed Rule Minimum Crew Weight Change


Tue 06 Dec 2022 19:45 — 21:30

Event information

This event has passed.

Dear all,

The Tasar Association of NSW will be hosting an online forum shortly! Its purpose is to raise awareness and promote discussion before, as a `District’ we vote on a Class Rule Proposal to eliminate the minimum crew weight rule. Our Vice President Neil Temperley provides more information below. Please have a read, and let Neil know if you’d like to take part in our forum next month.

ALSO if sailors are keen to compete in our exciting back to back `TT Events at Speers Point and Toronto 3-4 Dec 2022’, please `REGISTER on the links further below!! ..

Proposal to eliminate the Min Crew Weight Rule ` background information for open forum’ 

`Dear Tasar Sailor,

Our Japanese colleagues have proposed that Tasars drop the weight compensation rule that requires crews under 130kgs to carry compensation weights attached to the hull. You can read their proposal here https://www.tasar.org/media/118331/Proposal-to-drop-the-130kg-rule-_C6-Crew-Weight_20220406.pdf.

The Tasar chief designer, the late Frank Bethwaite, was a keen supporter of weight compensation but admitted that the current rule was too harsh and needed adjustment. Since the change to Mylar sails, many believe lighter crews have been further penalised and simply abandoning the rule (as proposed) is more appropriate. My personal view is that (at least in Australia) the majority of competition races are held in stronger (afternoon) breezes where lighter crews struggle to be competitive.

There are 9 districts internationally. Each district gets a vote. NSW is one district. You can read more about voting here https://www.tasar.org/tasar-office/wtc-documents-(2016-2022)/minimum-crew-weight-rule-removal-process.aspx.

TANSW’s plan is to hold an online special meeting on Wednesday 1/2/2023 8pm to vote. Please put this in your diary! You’ll need to be a paid up member, nominee member or honorary life member to vote. Join here https://www.revolutionise.com.au/nswtasar/registration/.

In order to keep that meeting short, we thought it best to have an open discussion forum where views and concerns can be aired. You’ll also have opportunities to discuss informally with interstate colleagues at the Nationals in December-January!

This forum will be held online on Tuesday 6/12/2022 8pm using a Zoom-like alternative https://meet.jit.si/TANSWWeightDiscussion which should work on most browsers. Or connect by phone on +61 8 7150 1136. Please connect at 7:50pm to ensure all is OK before the meeting commences. Note:

  • The forum is open to non-members.
  • There will be no voting on any issues at the forum.
  • The TANSW Vice President will be the chair.
  • Please limit presentations to 3 minutes.

If you’d like to submit and share a written statement/argument, please send it to neil.temperley@gmail.com before the forum and I collate and share it with our mailing list.

Any questions, contact me at neil.temperley@gmail.com.

Yours in sailing,
Neil Temperley
TANSW Vice President’


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