2020 Club Championships and NSW All Schools Nominations


Club Championships and NSW All Schools
Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre, Edwin Flack Avenue, Sydney Olympic Park

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Nomination Portal for NSW Club Championships and NSW All Schools

Officials who nominate for an event will be appointed, unless in certain circumstances. All appointed officials will be notified via email, along with the appointments being uploaded onto the website. 

If you are interested in officiating at an event but are also involved as a participant or your child is competing, please select 'yes' and we can make arrangements around timing, closer to the event. Half day availability is also more than acceptable.

Please note that the times below are an approximation and may change. For the NSW All Schools, we are still working through timetabling within the current restrictions and will come out with more information on timings shortly.

All Schools has been broken up into sessions with two per day (Morning/Lunch & Afternoon/Evening). In order to adhere to NSW Health requirements, we need to split the day into two session with a break in the middle to clean and reset. 

NSW Club Championships - Saturday 7th Novmeber 1pm - 7:30pm

NSW All Schools - Day 1 Thursday 3rd December 9am start (Morning/Lunch)
NSW All Schools - Day 1 Thursday 3rd December 8pm finish (Afternoon/Evening)
NSW All Schools - Day 2 Friday 4th December 9am start (Morning/Lunch)
NSW All Schools - Day 2 Friday 4th December 8pm finish (Afternoon/Evening)
NSW All Schools - Day 3 Saturday 5th December 9am start (Morning/Lunch)
NSW All Schools - Day 3 Saturday 5th December 8pm finish (Afternoon/Evening)
NSW All Schools - Day 4 Sunday 6th December 9am start (Morning/Lunch)
NSW All Schools - Day 4 Sunday 6th December 6pm finish (Afternoon/Evening)

Nominations Close on the 10th November 2020. With the short turn around for club championships, nominations will be exported on Monday 2nd Novmeber and appointments made. 

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me


Ben Offereins


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