NSW Championship Photos

If you have photos to share please upload to a public album and email the link to manly.junior@gmail.com



Round 1 photos from Ian Urban



Round 1 Photos from Port Kembla Sailing Club



Round 1 - Avalon Sailing Club



Round 1 - Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Sailing Club

Round 2 - Middle Harbour 16' Skiff Club

Round 3 - Port Kembla Sailing Club



NSW State Titles - from the collective Hornsby photographers across all three rounds.


2014-15 States

Round 1 - Port Kembla

Photos from Ralph Moller

Round 2 - Avalon

Photos from Ralph Moller


2013-14 States

Round 1 Hornsby  

Round 2 MYC/M16SSC


2012-13 States

Round 2 - Middle Harbour

Round 3 - Point Wolstoncroft


2011-12 States

Round 1 - Middle Harbour

Round 2 - Avalon

Round 3 - Point Wolstoncroft


2010-11 States

Round 3 - Point Wolstoncroft
