
2019/20 Season Survey

Published Mon 17 Feb 2020

Now that the racing has concluded from the 2019/20 season, we are looking for some feedback and information from all sailors and parents associated with the Manly Junior class.

It doesn't matter if you are an existing sailor or family that is leaving the class or continuing on next season, or you are completely new to the Manly Junior class - we'd like to hear from you! 

We are inviting sailors, parents of sailors, club officials and representatives to complete the survey via the link below. It should only take around 10-15 minutes to complete (maximum!) and can be completed anonymously. 

Following recent discussions within the Manly Junior association, we are looking at various options and opportunities to improve the Manly Junior sailing events, and encourage as many new sailors and families to join the fun and get involved. 



If you have any questions about the survey or would like to know more information about class events and how to be involved, please email 
