Our Umpire Training Program

Our NSDSA Umpire Training Program

Want to learn how to umpire or brush up on your umpiring skills?   

Each year we provide practical on-diamond coaching during the games and additional training sessions for our Junior Blues, Blues in Training and our club /team duty umpires. There are also programs available for our aspiring Level 2 unpires and our Level 3 and above umpires. Check out the programs below...

Details for the 2024 Winter season sessions coming soon!

Our Junior Blues & Blues-in-Training Program Our Level 2 (Level 1 Plus) Program Our Level 3 (and above) Program




Our Junior Blues & Blues-in-Training Program

Who can get involved in our program?

  • Junior Blues (JBs) working towards their Level 1 Accreditation
  • Blues-in-Training (BiTs) working towards their Level 1 Accreditation
  • Club / Team Duty Umpires looking to improve their umpiring knowledge

Practical On-Diamond Coaching during Games:

  • On a weekly basis NSDSA will allocate junior umpire(s) or trainee umpires to certain umpiring crews. On these games, the junior and trainee umpires will always be supervised by an adult, Australian levelled umpire (adult Umpire/mentor). The adult umpire will have ultimate authority of the game whether they are on the diamond or mentoring (off diamond).

  • Junior Blues and Umpires in Training will be provided with information about the rules, signals and correct positioning on the diamond.

  • On-diamond session will include Base umpiring and Plate umpiring. Positions will be allocated based on level of experience of an individual umpires.

NSDSA Level 1 Training Sessions:

NSDSA will run 4 training sessions for our Junior Blues and Blues-in-Training throughout the winter season to improve umpiring skills and, if interested, prepare them for Level 1 accreditation. 

NSDSA will have Senior Blues in attendance at these sessions and they are happy to respond to any questions you may have.

Training Session 1 - The Essentials When: Friday 24 May 2024

Key Focus Areas:

  • Gear and Uniform
  • Diamond Layout
  • Basic Signals
  • Strike Zone
  • Umpire Positions on the diamond and rotations (2 groups for less experienced and more experienced umpires)

At: St. Ives Village Green




Training Session 2 - Plate Umpire Mechanics When: Friday 14 June 2024 

Key Focus Areas:

  • Plate umpire responsibilities
  • Plate umpire gear – Protective gear + looking the part
  • The Strike Zone 
  • The Set Position
  • Calling “Balls and Strikes”
  • Plate Umpire Signals
  • Practical session on Calling “Balls and Strikes”

At: St. Ives Village Green


Training Session 3 - Essential Rules session When: Thursday 19 July 2024 (TBC)

Key Focus Areas:

  • Review of all key rules for Level 1 and Club/Team Umpires

At: Turramurra Club


Training Session 4 - Umpire Positions & Rotations When: Friday 2 August 2024 (TBC)

Key Focus Areas:

  • Refresh on signals
  • Umpire position on diamond
  • Practical session on rotations

At: St. Ives Village Green






Our Level 2 (Level 1 Plus) Program

Who can get involved in our program?

  • Level 1 (+) Umpires working toward their Level 2 umpiring accreditation
  • Levelled Umpires wanting to refresh or strengthen their umpiring.

Practical On-Diamond Coaching during Games:

  • On a weekly basis NSDSA will allocate Level 1 or higher umpire(s) to umpiring crews. On these games, an Under 18 umpire will generally be supervised by an adult, senior Australian levelled umpire (adult Umpire/mentor).  The adult umpire will have ultimate authority of the game whether they are on the diamond or mentoring (off diamond).
  • In cases where it is considered that individual Under 18 Levelled umpires have adequate experience and maturity, the senior umpire may not be allocated / present at all times at that diamond, but will be present on the playing fields for assistance if necessary.
  • On-diamond session will include the Three Umpire System and the Two Umpire System
  • Three Umpire System:
    • Reinforcement and refinement of Plate Mechanics Umpire Rotations.
    • Feedback will be targeted at improving mechanics and movement on the diamond.
    • Advice on game management, including working with other umpires, coaches and teams. 
  • Two Umpire System (Required for Level 2 Accreditation):
    • Learning and development of the 2 Umpire positioning and rotation requirements.
    • On diamond experience with Senior Umpire and other umpires learning the 2 Umpire system.
    • Feedback will be targeted at improving mechanics and movement on the diamond.
    • Advice on game management, including working with other umpires, coaches and teams. 
    • Time permitting, management of “line up cards” may be integrated into the program.

NSDSA Level 2 Training Session:

Training Session - Two Umpire System When: Date TBC

Key Focus Areas:

  • Plate and Base umpire responsibilities
  • Umpire position on diamond
  • Practical session on rotations for the 2 Umpire system
At: St. Ives Village Green





Our Level 3 (and above) Program

Who can get involved in our program?

  • Level 2 (or above umpires) wanting to refresh or strengthen their umpiring skill level.

  • Level 2 (or above umpires) wanting to achieve their next level accreditation.

Practical On-Diamond Coaching during Games:

  • On a weekly basis NSDSA will allocate Level 2 or higher umpire(s) to umpiring crews. On these games, an Under 18 umpire will generally be supervised by an adult, senior Australian levelled umpire (adult Umpire/mentor).  The adult umpire will have ultimate authority of the game whether they are on the diamond or mentoring (off diamond).
  • On-diamond session will include the Three Umpire System - Plate AND Three to Two Rotations - Plate and Base
  • Three Umpire System – Plate
    • Reinforcement and refinement of Plate Mechanics Umpire Rotations (3 to 2).
    • Feedback will be targeted at improving mechanics and movement on the diamond.
    • Advice on game management, including working with other umpires, coaches and teams. 
  • Three to Two Rotations – Plate and Base  
    • Learning and development of “going out” ie the “3 to 2” Umpire positioning and rotation requirements.
    • On diamond experience with Senior Umpire or other umpire learning the 2 Umpire system.
    • Feedback will be targeted at improving mechanics and movement on the diamond.
    • Advice on game management, including working with other umpires, coaches and teams. 

Senior SNSWUA Umpire Feedback - By Invitation (dates to be advised)

North Shore will be inviting a senior SNSWUA umpire to be present at a number of senior games to assess and provide feedback to our more senior umpires looking to fine tune their skills.

  • Plate umpire Mechanics and rotation on the diamond
  • Base umpire Mechanics and rotation on the diamond
  • Advice on game management, including working with other umpires, coaches and teams. 


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