
Hockey Coffs Coast Needs Our Help!

Published Tue 14 May 2024

This is an urgent matter and all submissions need to be sent to the council by 5pm, Wednesday 22nd May. Details on how to submit it are in the attachment.

To give you an example, a child from another club has emailed the following in their own words...

I'm  *******, I am 11 years old. I am writing to you to tell you that we need a new hockey turf. Why you might ask, because we have some of the best players in Australia and yet we only have 1 turf that has lumps and bumps in the turf which makes the ball bounce and we can't trap the ball. Imagine how we feel when we go away to State Champs. Taree has 3 turfs, Grafton has 2 turfs and Coffs is way nicer than those towns."

You can be creative and create a video submission if you fancy going all out!

The club is invested in getting our facilities to a high standard and you as members will benefit from the Association being successful in being rewarded with any grants or sponsorships so let's get behind them.

We thank you for your attention to this matter.


Claire Beheiry



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