
Nordek Update 31st July

Published Sun 31 Jul 2022

Hi Everyone,

Club Lime CISAC – Emergency Management Plan

Club Lime CISAC have asked us to communicate their Emergency Management Plan with you. Please familiarise yourself with it.

Facility Evacuation Process and Audible Tones

During an emergency situation such as fire, chemical spill or other major hazard there may be a requirement to evacuate the center. This will be coordinated through the buildings Emergency Warning and Intercommunication System (EWIS) and managed by the Chief Fire Warden with the support of the Floor Wardens. The Chief Warden can be identified as the Lifeguard wearing the red shirt with. “Supervisor” on the back.

There are two stages of a center wide emergency:

Alert Phase:

A repeated “beep, beep” tone is played repeatedly to alert the occupants of the building to prepare for an evacuation. The person in control must cease the groups activity and prepare the group to ensure they can evacuate as quickly and safely as possible. The Chief Fire Warden will communicate any further information required over the PA. If a false alarm is identified, the alert tone will be stopped followed by another PA message by the Chief

Warden. The Fire Brigade will still attend the site to reset the alarm.

Evacuate Phase:

A repeated “whoop, whoop” tone is played repeatedly to communicate that the building must be evacuated as soon as possible. The person in control should lead their group, under the instruction of Club Lime staff to the closest exit. Ensuring not to leave anyone behind. Time should not be taken at this stage to further collect belongings. The Chief Warden will communicate any further information required over the PA.

• First Aid Incidents

Club Lime and the person in control of the organization have a shared Duty of Care for the users of the premises. If group leaders recognize a first aid incident or injury, please inform a Lifeguard as soon as possible. If a water born emergency occurs (drowning, spinal injury), please allow the Lifeguards to assess and provide action. You may be asked to help with crowd control or to supply details. Do not leave the premises until clearance is given.

• Emergency Exits and Assembly Points

Emergency Exits are designated by the illuminated green running man above the doorway. Please follow staff instruction to the assembly points outside of the building. Take a moment to review your closest paths of exit.


The Nordek Committee


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