Symmons Plains......... Saturday Day 2-session 1


Sat 06 Apr 2019 06:30 — 12:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Important instructions

You only need to volunteer for 1 session each day. This will mean you are not out there all day.

But please reply to all 3 days at the same login session. So reply YES to a session of your choice on day 1, and day 2, and day 3.

If you aren't doing a session, don't reply at all. As we will limit the numbers for each session we only want a YES showing in the database.

These instructions apply to all the Symmons plains events listed

Please select a session for each day, but if possible change it around each day.

If you are attending please tick the yes box and pick from the drop-down list the total number of volunteers including yourself. Fill in the additional names.

If you are not attending in person, but a proxy/ies will be attending in your place, please tick the yes box and pick from the drop-down list the total number of volunteers attending for you. Fill in the additional names.

There will be a sign-in and out book at the gate.




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