Front Line Sailing Day


Thu 24 Apr 2025 09:00 — 12:00
Australian Sailing - Discover Sailing Day

Course information

Registration for this course closes at Wed 23 Apr 2025 16:30.

Front Line Sailing

We are very pleased to welcome participants to join us for a Front Line Sailing 'Discover Sailing' session on Thursday 24th April 2025. 

Your session time is 9:00am to 12:00pm

Front Line Sailing is all about facilitating an opportunity to get out on the water for a refreshing morning of sailing, for the incredible members of our community who are our front line; those who serve as first responders, within the emergency services and our military veterans.  The program is focused on the enjoyment and social benefits of trying something new, as well as the wellbeing and health benefits sailing can provide.

We are pleased to be able to partner with a number of not-for-profit community organisations who are focused on supporting those who protect and care for our community.

If you are current or former serving military personnel, you can join up through the Saltwater Veterans Sailing Project to access financial support.

Sailing is conducted on the Club's fleet of Force 24 keelboats.  The boats will be sailed inshore on the waters of Newcastle Harbour.

Onboard a Force 24, you and up the three other crew members, will be guided by one of our Australian Sailing qualified keelboat instructors.  You can be actively invovled in sailing the boat, pulling ropes, changing sides when you tack, even maybe having a go at steering!

Enjoy the morning on-water and the view of the city of Newcastle from a completely different angle! 

You will be supported on-water by a RIB (powerboats) driven by our qualified NCYC volunteers.

Prior sailing experience is not necessary as beginners are our speciality!

We begin each session in 'The Foredeck' of the NCYC clubhouse; a chance for a morning tea or coffee and a briefing of what the morning's activities will involve.  After sailing we return to the clubhouse for a sausage sizzle and a chat about the mornings sailing adventures!

Registration . . .

An individual registration is required for each person wishing to participate and for each event date on which you wish to sail. 

We welcome you to join us FREE for your first sailing session.  Please use the discount code FIRST when you are registering, this will remove the payment request.

When you come back to sail with us again, as many times as you like, we ask that you contribute $25 to the morning's sailing activities & catering.

Don't have an AS Number - Begin your registration with the SIGN UP button

An AS Number is simply a registration on the Australian Sailing database and it also provides you with personal accident insurance whilst involved in a course with the NCYC Sailing Academy.  The AS Number is free and begins the process of registering for an experience or course - please start with the SIGN UP button . . . 

If you've sailed with us before, find your AS Number here . . .

Simply add your first and last names in the search and then find your record based on your postcode.  Follow this link -

General Course Information

We offer further details and general course information, both within your confirmation email (please check your junk/spam folder) as well as on our website, covering parking, recommended clothing, where to meet, missing a session etc - please follow this link CLICK HERE

Should you have any further questions or enquiries, please contact our friendly Sailing Office staff.


PH: 4940 8188

A Discover Sailing Day will give you the opportunity to go for a sail and have a look around your local Sailing Club.


  • Water confident

Who should discover sailing?

A Discover Sailing Day is for anyone wanting to visit a sailing club and discover sailing for the first time.


You will have experienced sailing and have been introduced to your local Sailing Club, who will have provided you with information on what other opportunities, courses and activities are on offer that will enable you to continue your participation in sailing.

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