Discover Sailing Experience - Private Session Rogerson


Mon 07 Jun 2021 09:30 — 11:30
Australian Sailing - 1. Discover Sailing Experience - Keelboat

Course information

This course is full.

What to wear

All you need to wear are some comfortable, warm clothes that will allow you freedom of movement and a pair of enclosed, non-slip shoes to protect your feet.  We will supply you with a life-jacket.

Do I need sailing experience?

No, we cater for absolute beginners who have never stepped foot on a boat before.


Experience Overview

This course is for participants keen to experience what keelboat sailing is about.

Course Prerequisites


Who should do this course?

This is the perfect 'taster' for anyone who wants to discover sailing for the first time. This is the perfect introduction and can be the ideal way for you to begin your sailing journey, without having to commit to a full training course.

Course Outcome

Following the course, you will receive a completion certificate.

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