
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started


Welcome to MFCC and the Registration process.

Thanks for wanting to sign up to MFCC for football season 2024, this is the place to start.

  (Registration Fees for 2024 Explained)  


If your child already has a club account, please select RETURNING MEMBER at the bottom of this page.

If your child is new to the club please select the NEW MEMBER option at the bottom of this page. 

The club account has to be for the player NOT the parent. If you have multiple children, then you need a club account for each child.

Just signing up for a club account does NOT guarantee a position on a team. Trials/grading still must be run to be able to determine your child's suitability.

If you have already attended trials and have been selected for a team, please disregard the statement above.

Please Note that this is a two-step process, as you will be required to register with Football Australia to complete your eligibility to play for the club. We will advise when that process is open.

Note that if you choose to pay via Debit/Credit Card a 2.0% and /or transaction fee may apply on top of club fees.

By creating a club account for your child or yourself (over 18 year old player) means that you agree to all Terms and Conditions and of Maccabi FC Caulfield as well as Maccabi Victoria, Maccabi Australia, Football Victoria and Football Australia as outlined on the relevant websites. This applies to all players as well as all family members, friends and acquaintances etc that are involved with the player.

For questions on registrations please send an email by clicking here .

To view Indicative Training Schedule for season 2024 click here. 

Pre-season, which includes trials and gradings, starts in early Feb (dates TBA) until teams are chosen in each age group.

Once teams are chosen training then begins for each team and the regular Football Victoria season is planned to run early April to early September followed by finals if applicable.

Note that Gary Peer Little Strikers run from Feb to Sept on the advice of coach Michael on Sundays only. There are no mid-week training requirements. 

By registering and paying at the club you agree in full with the club's refund policy.




Make sure to note which age group and gender your child wants to join.

Please note that as Maccabi FC Caulfield is a Jewish community club that we do not play on Friday nights or Saturdays or certain Jewish festivals.


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