Wednesday Little Ninja's Hapkido

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Emilia Dallimore, Riaan Rheeder

This Little Ninja's Class is a new class for 4 to 5 year olds.  Our Instructors Noah and Poppy will be teaching this 30 minute session for 4 and 5 year olds to help prepare them for the Junior Kids Classes when they turn 6 years of age.

The aim of this class is for the young kids to have fun, but at the same time learn basics of movement, balance, flexibility and co-ordination, all the while learning some cool Martial Arts kicks, punches and movement drills. They will be taught how to fall, roll and get themselves up and down from the floor safely and with control. We are very excited about this class as we have had many enquiries for this 4 and 5 yr age group.

To book your spot pls tick the Check Box for the classes you wish to attend, then scroll down to confirm your booking. 

Although it is no longer compulsory to pre book your class, it will assist you in ease of check in once you enter the Dojang.  

It is still a requirement that your name be checked off on the Tablet upon entering the gym, prior to your class.  

The system does not allow you to UNBOOK yourself so if you are unable to attend, pls send a quick email to to let us know everything is okay.


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