
Registrations 2020

Published Tue 11 Feb 2020

Please use this website to register for the 2020 Hockey Season, via the Registation link above.

Subscription money via this site is only for the Hockey/Hockey Australia portion.

Rams subscriptions will be $150.00 before Round 6 and $170.00 after Round 6 this year on top of the Hockey SA/Hockey Australia Fee (Seniors are OVER 18 and Juniors 18 or UNDER).

Please pay the Rams portion by cash, cheque or direct transfer to the bank account.  The Hockey SA fee must be paid before taking the field, when you register.

Fill In Fees will be $10.00 a game up to 5 games (which qualifies you for Finals) payable to the Coach or Treasurer on the day.

Registration and payment to Hockey SA must happen before you play, so please make sure this happens.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us.

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