
Week 9 - Bridport

Published Tue 22 Sep 2020

Father robs son of win with an impressive run at Bridport on the weekend.

Bridports course is beautiful, and many of us will be tackling it again at the end of October when the Bridport community tempt us yet again with the Bridport 10+ event.  Those that compete in the 11km Newstead course are always impressed with the fantastic course along the Bridport foreshore, around the Bridport Walking track and through the wildlife reserve.  Andrew Seen showed early that this year he would conquer it with ease.  Son Alex has been showing good form for the last few weeks and went into the event easy favourite only to be thwarted by his father into second place.  Consistently ever improving fastest female Jennifer Tait was third.  In the 4km event, Gerard Little found top gear to easily account for the other runners with Erin Giles second and Luke McKenzie third.  For the 2km event it was Hugo Green that crossed the line for his first win with the club.  Matilda Preece was second and Dale Kean third.

Fastest: In division 1, fastest runners were Jennifer Tait and Alexander Seen, division 2 Erin Giles and Lachlan Preece and for division 3 fastest female was Savannah McKenzie and fastest male Rohan Crawford 

Personal bests from the same event in 2019: Division 1, Jennifer Tait, Barbara Clayton, Craig Barron Tony Walsh and James Preece.  Division 2 PB’s belonged to Luke McKenzie, Montana McKenzie and Ben Giasli and in Division 3 it was Matilda Preece, Dale Kean, Flynn Preece and Savannah McKenzie who were faster than in last years’ event.

A special thank you to all our volunteers.  Without who, we would not have a club… so THANK YOU! 

IMPORTANT change of venue for our next event on Saturday 26th.   Due to a cricket match at Hadspen we have made a late minute change and our event will be held at Harveydale.

End of Season Cross Country dinner.  Due to Covid-19 restrictions our event is capped at 84 people.  Please ensure you book early via our website so you don’t miss out.  Our end of season function is a great opportunity for us to celebrate our year and find out who won all the races, who are our division champions, and much more.  The event will be held at the Tamar Valley Resort at Grindelwald on the 17th October.  Full details on our website.

Our Delayed End of Season Track and Field dinner will be held at the Homage Restaurant at Woolmers Longford on the 3rd October.  Please book via the shop on our website.

Detailed results on the web site

Published by Barbara

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