
Cross Country 2020

Published Sat 07 Mar 2020

Newstead Cross-Country 2020

Our 2020 Cross country season is almost upon us and starts on 4th April 2020.

Are you ready for a great fun season.

As of today we will start sending out information to get you ready and excited (we hope) about our upcoming season.

Newstead Athletics Web site. Our web site is changing, many of you will have already noticed.  Due to a change of hosting from Athletics Australia, our old faithful web site hosted by onesport will soon be retired.   Our new page with RevSport is already operational and should start using our web address any day. Check it out HERE

  • will continue to be our web address and this will switch across to the new site any day now.
  • The site is still a work in progress so even though it is up and running it is not completely populated yet.
  • Having said that, many areas are already complete.  We will ask for feedback and suggestions once we have completed all the sections.  Note that the menu item 2020 Cross Country does not render will on a mobile device.  The information in this area is duplicated in the Calendar menu item, can I suggest you use the Calendar instead until we have fixed this problem

Club Registration is open for our cross-country season. 

  • Registration for 2020 is $40 for OOS and $21 for junior (5 to 9-year olds born AFTER 2010).
  • Registration can be made on the website HERE OR by cash at our events.  New runners need to register prior to their 2nd event.  Previously registered athletes need to have registered prior to or at the first run of the season.
  • If you completed a Full registration for track season, this includes cross country, you are already registered. If you only paid T&F and are joining us for cross-country you need to pay the OOS. If you are not sure, let us know and we will check and confirm for you.
  • Club registration does not include the weekly event registration fees.

Event Registration:  with our new web site, we now have many more options. 

  1. Register on the day as you have done previously.  Writing your name on the registration sheet and paying $3 for each individual or $10 for family.
  2. Online Season Discount option for full season event registration. Those athletes taking advantage of this will receive the following benefits.
    • A discount equivalent to 3 weeks of events.  There is an individual and family option. 
    • Automatic registration on the day (your name will already appear on the registration sheets as paid (unless you choose to change your division, then we will need to manually do this).

Click HERE to take advantage of this or check out under the Shop page

  1. Online event registration.  Our new web site has the option for you to register your intention to attend an event in advance.  The advantage of this is your name will already be on the registration list on the day, all you need to do is pay. Click on Register next to the event in the calendar you will be entering.

Note: High performance athletes and scholarship athletes will automatically be added to the list as part of their packages

Coming up. Prior to our season start, to get you excited and to increase presence of our Newstead club colours, we have the following opportunities.  Please wear your club colours and enjoy.  Further details will be emailed shortly about these events.

    • 14/3/2020 Bush Fire fundraiser at parkrun
    • 15/3/2020 Run Devonport
    • 20/3/2020 Balfour Burn (twilight event)
    • 21/3/2020 Preseason Taster – club run at Patersonia (Mt Arthur)
    • 28/3/2020 Club promotion at park run
    • 29/3/2020 Convict and wenches



Club Scholarship applications are now open

Track and Field dinner is on 8th May at Gunners Arms.  Please register on the website or message us if you will be attending.



NOTE we will duplicate this information on the new website and facebook so you can find it easily.

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