Club Fees

2024 Club Fees 


  •  $300 full fee    
  • 8 Game club fee $185         
  • $25 individual game fee

Juniors (U13, U15 & U16)

  • $120 full fee      

Sub Juniors (U9 & U 11)

  • $25 (if did not play Hin2H)    $0 if played Hin2H

These fees include the turf levy and umpire levy for one grade. 

Players participating in additional grades (more than 2) must pay an additional fee to cover the turf levy and the umpire levy for the added grade/s.
The added turf levy is payable when the player plays their 5th match in the added grade.
The first additional levy will be 50% funded by the club - $25 Juniors and $50 Seniors.  Third levies will receive no subsidy from the club.
These added levies apply during the "home & away" part of the season only. No added fees are payable for finals played in higher grades.

Payment plans are available but you must contact the Club before the season starts;
Luke Lohmeyer - Treasurer or 0404 827 322

Direct deposit (preferred):
Payment can be made direct to;

Mildura Wanderers Hockey Club
BSB 633 000
Account 1400 39132
Reference: "Players name"


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