Men's Artistic Gymnastics

Men’s Artistic Gymnastics

Men’s Artistic Gymnastics (MAG) combines speed, strength, power and flexibility with tumbling and acrobatic skills, all performed with an emphasis on style. Superhuman strength is displayed as gravity is challenged and limits of physics are pushed in six separate events: Floor, Pommel Horse, Still Rings, Vault, Parallel Bars and High or Horizontal Bar. The physique of an elite male gymnast says it all – years of hard work and dedication.

Beginning as young as 5 years old in our MAG Rec class, a fun skill focused class where boys will get to jump on MAG equipment and learn the basic elements associated with each. This class acts as an identification pathway for the competitive squads, without the pressure of competitions or massive training commitments.

We also offer a Manly Muscles a bodyweight strength and conditioning focused class for any young boys looking to get more into shape or even those focused on putting on some extra muscle. These sessions are for those wanting to focus mainly on strength building, with a focus on weights and overall fitness rather than gymnastics skills. 

From either of the two above groups, or any of our recreational classes the boys can move into our MAG squad groups. Athletes continue to build their repretoire of skills as they increase the intensity and frequency of training and begin to compete in competitions both locally and nationally, creating endless possibilities and opening countless doors as they continue their journey in the sport!  

MAG Enquiry
MAG Handbook

