
Manning Valley Hockey Association

Senior and Junior Match Committee Meeting


Tue 27 Feb 2018 18:00 — 19:30

Event information

This event has passed.

Clubs are required to send at least one delegate to attend the senior match committee meeting and junior match committee (if they have junior teams).

Attached is the Charter for the Match Committee/s


  1. Authority

The President and the Board of Management of MVHA are responsible for the overall governance of Manning Valley Hockey Association. To ensure effective governance in an efficient manner, the Board has established committees to undertake various governance functions and to report back to the Board of Manning Valley Hockey Association.


  1. Purpose

This Charter defines the purpose, responsibilities and scope of activities of the MVHA Match Committee/s.

The committee/s will provide a forum for consultation between clubs, players and the Board of Management of MVHA for the special purpose of organising the annual competitions of Manning Valley Hockey Association Men’s, Women’s and Junior’s competitions.


  1. Objectives

The committee/s core functions are to:

  • Organise and circulate competition draws as directed by MVHA BOM.
  • Organise and circulate the MVHA final and grand final draw.
  • Make necessary changes to the draw and notify clubs when required.
  • Ensure the competitions are played within the rules of MVHA and HNSW Policies and guidelines
  • Grade players as requested in accordance with MVHA rules.
  • Assist the Registrar in posting their respective point scores on the MVHA web page.
  • Recommend to the Board appropriate recipients for specific awards as directed by the Board at the end of each hockey season.
  • Liaise with the MVHA Treasurer to obtain a budget for end of season trophies.
  • Consult with the MVHA Umpire Director and/or Umpire’s Committee when appointing umpires to matches including finals and grand finals.
  • Arrange for rescheduling of any cancelled rounds due to adverse weather
  • Maintain adequate stocks of current match cards at the grounds and notify the MVHA BOM when match cards are required to be printed
  • Deal with any issues regarding the correct completion of match cards.
  • Administer the forfeit rule as per MVHA rules, and notify the Board Treasurer of forfeits.
  • Adjudicate on applications made by members and clubs regarding playing in the MVHA competitions.
  • Refer any unresolved matters or matters outside their core functions to the MVHA BOM for consideration
  • Provide a written report every meeting and forward a copy to a predetermined representative of MVHA BOM for tabling at the next Board meeting.
  • Refer to the MVHA Umpires Director any matters that may be required to be resolved by an Association Judiciary and/or Investigative Committee hearing (red cards and breaches of conduct)




  1. Membership and Voting

The Committee/s includes the following members:

  • 1 representative from each club playing in the respective competition. Each official member will have one (1) vote.
  • Registrar from each respective competition.
  • If the registrar is also a club representative member of the committee then they will have voting rights. If, however they are not an official club representative member of the committee they will not be permitted to vote.
  • If the vote is tied the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.
  • Any unresolved matters will be referred to the BOM for decision. The BOM decision will be final.
  • The committee members must record conflicts of interest when they occur and these conflicts must be minuted.
  • The official club committee representatives are selected by their clubs per their individual club policies and nominated committee members names be given to the Board prior to Manning Valley AGM.
  • From the official representatives selected, each committee must nominate a member to be Chairperson and minutes secretary.
  • Other non-official members may attend or be invited to attend by the committee to give opinion or present information.
  • If during tenure, an official member can no longer participate then the club that the member is representing must select another official member to join the committee.
  • If the club does not select another official member, and the committee must meet that club will forgo voting rights until another member is selected and notified to the Secretary of MVHA.
  • If the chairperson or minutes secretary wish to relinquish their role, they must inform the committee and Board in writing as soon as possible. The Committee affected will then have to select a new Chairperson or Minutes Secretary.


  1. Reporting Relationship and Delegations
  • The committee meets at such times and under such circumstances as it sees fit, unless directed in writing by the MVHA BOM.
  • Any committee established by the Board shall only exercise such powers and have such rights and obligations as the Board in its absolute discretion directs.


  1. Meeting procedures
  • A quorum shall consist of a majority of official members.
  • Official committee members are responsible for declaring any conflict of interest whether pecuniary or non-pecuniary. In all cases where a conflict of interest exists, or may be reasonably perceived to exist, the official committee member shall not participate in the decision making process.
  • The agenda shall be agreed by the Chair prior to the meeting.
  • The agenda and meeting papers shall be prepared and distributed by the Chair or member as delegated preferably one (1) week prior but at least one (1) day prior to the meeting date.
  • All meetings shall be minuted, and once endorsed by the committee forwarded to the designated MVHA Board member to be presented at the next Board meeting. The minutes will then be distributed as required.
  • The committee shall evaluate its performance and Charter annually via a self-assessment process that may include surveys and/or interviews with various parties involved with MVHA.


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