
Club Update - October 2020

Published Thu 29 Oct 2020

Dear Members, 

What an exciting last few days it has been in Victoria, and for metropolitan Melbourne! Almost all of our Christmases have come at once with the opening of retailers, cafes, restaurants and bars. Pools remain open for swimming and we are not far away from the reopening of gyms, and returning to competitive sport. 

This month’s club update contains some important information about the Return to Sport and Club Membership processes. 

Returning to Sport

Return to sport is getting closer by the day, and we, alongside Water Polo Victoria, are working through the finer details with our venues. We encourage you to make the most of your local pool and try to go for a swim to reaquaint yourself with the water.

The Return to Sport is most likely to be managed at the association level by WPV. Due to the COVID Safe contact tracing requirements, every member will be required to be registered and will need to book into individual sessions. Eventually registered members will be able to book into play social games, and clubs will also be given access to operate training sessions. 

In order to manage the Return to Sport and appropriate pool bookings, we need to gauge the number of interested members. We request that you all complete your registration as soon as possible so that we can assist and advocate for getting you all back in the pool!

Club Membership 2020/21

Club Membership is now open for the 2020/21 membership season. Given the Return to Sport process will be staged, club membership will also be staged. We are currently at Step 1 and encourage you all to register as soon as possible so we can update you as the return progresses.

Register now

Anticipated Membership Payment Steps

Step 1

Club registration is free as an expression of interest. This is important for us at club and association level to gauge the number of members who intend on returning when possible.

Step 2

Some level of water polo activity will return. It is likely this will be a “pay per session” format, and members will be required to book online and make payment at the time of booking.

Step 3

Water Polo returns to regular competition under the “COVID Normal” conditions. At this time, any person wishing to play competition games will be required to upgrade to a playing member by paying a registration fee. New members will also be able to register to play at this stage. There is no obligation to upgrade, however you will be unable to play in competition games. 


Members returning from the 2019/2020 season will be provided with a discount code at Step 3 to thank you for your ongoing support of the club, even during these tricky times. 

It is extremely important to us that all members who have any interest or intention to play again with our club complete Step 1 as soon as possible. This will ensure we have your contact details and that you are able to be invited to club and association activities.

All members who register prior to 14 November will also receive a free gift from the club upon our return to regular club events. 

Our club committee has been successful in applying for a number of government grants to support and assist our club in returning to full operation. These grants will be used to directly support the development of COVID Safe Plans and to assist in providing a safer environment  to welcome you all back into. 


As always, we are always just a message away if anyone needs anything. Please don't hesitate to send us an email, or message through any of our social media channels and we will be here for support.


Stay safe!

Melbourne University Water Polo Club



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