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After a couple of false starts due to restrictions during 2021, the Canberra Cup will be held at the end of January 2022 and Melbourne University Water Polo Club have entered both a men's and women's team in Division 2 of the tournament.
The club is calling for Expressions of Interest for current club members who wish to travel to Canberra to play in the tournament. Please read the following details and register for this event if you are interested in playing.
Expressions of Interest Close Friday 17th of December
Friday 28-Jan (from 6:00pm), Saturday 29-Jan (all day), Sunday 30-Jan (concluding 3:00pm)
Games will be played across two pools in Canberra
Through the event partnership, we are able to get discounted accommodation through the Abode Hotel network. We have booked beds in the Adobe Hotel Belconnen, which is a 5 minute walk from CISAC pool.
The accommodation will be in twin share, or three bed apartments with kitchenettes amongst other hotel facilities.
The cost to attend will be approximately $250 per person, which covers team entry and two nights accommodation. This cost excludes travel (flights or car pool) and food/drinks which will be the responsibility of the individuals.
In the past, the most economical travel arrangements have been carpooling leaving Friday morning and driving back Sunday after the finals. There is an opportunity to book additional nights accommodation if need be to return to Melbourne on Monday 20-Sept.
The event is open to all existing registered club members. For the purposes of insurance and compliance with Melbourne University Sport, non-members will not be permitted from joining the team.