
Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

2023 Registrations are now open

Mudgee District Hockey Association welcome you and your family to the registration page for the 2023 hockey season in Mudgee. We are looking forward to a full season of fun hockey and welcome all our new and returning players. We hope that all ages have a great season with us.

The 2023 season will start with our juniors kicking off on Friday 28th April 2023 and seniors starting on Saturday 29th April.

If you haven't previously registered online with Hockey NSW or Mudgee District Hockey Association please use the REGISTER button below.

If you have registered previously online with Hockey NSW or Mudgee Hockey District Association to play please use the RENEW button below.

Follow the steps as outlined for your relevant age group. Please select your team name or click "No Team, please help me find one" when prompted.

The Committee will contact all players in order to sort teams. 

Active Kids Voucher opens January 1st - Steps to take

Active Kids Voucher link: Active Kids Voucher

If you have never applied for an Active Kids Voucher

1 – click on this link Apply-Active-Kids-Voucher and set up your account
2– Fill out details page.
3 – Find the Services box and click on the 'Active kids' link.
4 – Fill out the Parent details.
5 – Enter the Medicare card details of the Student you would like to enter.
6 – Follow all the steps until you are accepted and they show the screen with your Voucher number. This will now be emailed to the address you provided.
Print this off or save it to your computer

If you already have an account set up with Services NSW

1 – Click on the link: My ServiceNSW Personal Dashboard 
2 – Click on My Applications as you will need to apply for a new voucher number. The one displayed there is the 2018.
3 – Click on 'Apply for another voucher' and complete the details as requested and the new voucher number will be emailed to you.

Now you can register through this portal. 


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