Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

Centre Details:

Day: Monday

Age Groups: Tiny Tots for 3 & 4 year olds & 6's to Under 20s and Opens

Session Times for training and competition:

·     Tiny Tots Under 5 – 4.05pm to 4.45pm, Under 4 – 4.50pm to 5.30pm

·     Little A’s (6's – 9's) – 4.15pm to 5.40pm

·     Juniors (10's– Under 15) – 5.50pm to 7.15pm

·     Seniors (Under 16+ and Opens) – 7.15pm to 8.15pm

Track: Grass

Fees (Training + LANSW State Fee):

$200 – Tiny Tots

$230 – 6's-U20

Discount applies for 2 or more siblings registering at the same time.

Season commences 14 October 2024.

Please choose new member unles you have used RevSport before with ANSW events.