

SailPass Introductory Membership

A SailPass will provide you with personal injury insurance cover for the day/s that you are registered.

 SailPass Types Available at the Club
 SailPass Name  Details
 SailPass  Cost = $10 per day  maximum of three (3)


Under The Mooloolaba Yacht Club Limited By-Laws (Appendix 2) of the club's Constiutation Clause 5 - Members to Sail. 

All persons taking part in club races may race up to a maximum of three (3) race days per calendar year as a Temporary Member, but must then become a Member of the Club, or have a nomination form submitted to the Club, unless the Board grants special permission.  


How to register

1. Already a SailPass member

  • If you have previously registered for a SailPass, you can register below using your existing AS Number.
  • Don't know your AS Number? CLICK HERE TO FIND IT

2. New to SailPass?

  • If you have never registered for a SailPass and don't have an AS Number: CLICK HERE

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