Following the Men & Women's National Championhsips in Perth the following players with connections to the Sunshine Coast have been selected in various Masters teams and will attend World Cups in either Cape Town or Auckland later this year.
Australia: O50+ Peter Ries; O70+ John Campbell
Shadow: O50+ John Daly; O65+ Garry Royle; O75+ Chris O'Dempsey
Australia A: O45+ Brad Morgan; O60+ Russell Rendell
Shadow: O34+ Scott Foreman; O45+ Craig Owen; O60+ Stephen Hood
Australia: O34+ Emma Cairnduff, Eva Kersnovske, Ash Roberson; O50+ Nan Latta, Natalie Pace; O55+ Sheryl Simpson; O65+ Myra Reilly - Linda Hunter (coach >70's)
Shadow; O40+ Danielle Jackson
Australia A: O34+ Gen Lee; O40+ Danielle Jackson; O45+ Kirralee Johnston; O60+ Megan McNamara
Shadow: O40+ Jodie Bunn; O50+ Rachel Sihota; O55+ Leanne Bugg
Congratulations to everyone selected and we look forward to following your tournaments next year.