Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

Seniors/Strive registration for the 2024-2025 Go for 2 & 5 Track and Field Season is now OPEN

If you competed during the 2023-24 Season, please select RETURNING MEMBER to renew your membership.

If you are a new member, please select NEW MEMBER.

The fee structure is as follows:

  • Premium Membership with Training: suited to a regular competitor at Strive, includes Len Shearer Reserve training access and weekly event fees - $315
  • Premium Membership Competition only: suited to a regular competitor at Strive, who trains elsewhere and includes weekly event fees - $285
  • Premium Membership MEL LAs dual: suited to a MEL Little Athletics member who is a regular competitor at Strive and includes weekly event fees - $210
  • Standard Membership with Training: includes Len Shearer Reserve training access & weekly event fees of $15 are payable - $140
  • Standard Membership Competition only: trains elsewhere & weekly event fees of $15 are payable - $110
  • Standard Membership MEL LAs dual: MEL Little Athletics member & weekly event fees of $15 are payable - $60
  • Recreational Runner: Training only with no competition - $70

To compete in Athletics West competitions, a meet registration fee of $15 will be payable (excluding Premium memberships) when entering events. Athletes must compete in the Melville club uniform with their competition number displayed on their front and back.

New uniforms can be purchased by contacting