
Mingara Rebels Softball Club Inc


Save the date - yep our AGM is this Wednesday and we need you :-)!

Published Mon 17 Jun 2024

Hi members 

Hope you are having a great month despite the weather.

Our AGM is 7pm Wednesday 19 June and we have two options for you to attend. In person downstairs in the Sports Bar Mingara Recreation Club (ask front desk if unsure) or through MS Teams https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZmVhOGZlNDEtY2E1NC00NzQ5LWFkOGMtMDBkYTVjNGEyNWNm%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%228e823e99-cbcb-430f-a0f6-af1365c21e22%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c227e0ce-66bd-4e78-b673-c1cc8ee1e9df%22%7d  (just copy this link where you type to do a search on google :-))

Any issues contact Liz Fortune on 0421 025 862 as she can send the link to you.

Or you can also phone (02) 9161 1235 Access code 189990689#  

All members are invited to attend and we encourage you to get involved in our fabulous club. If you are not sure about committing to a role just know that all committee members felt the same but there is, and always has been allot of support. Also it doesnt take up too much time either :-)

NOTICE OF AGM - Mingara Rebels Softball Club Inc

Our AGM will take place on Wednesday 19th June 2024 at 7:00pm at Mingara Recreational club (Sports Bar). All members and their families are welcome.


    1. Opening of meeting

    2. Apologies

    3. Confirmation of Minutes of previous AGM

    4. Presentation of Annual Report

    5. Presentation of Treasurer’s Report

    6. Election of new Executive

    7. Determination of 2024/2025 Fees

    8. Close

Please email mingara.rebels.softball@gmail.com if you have any AGM queries.


LIz Fortune

0421025862 if you want to chat about the positions or how you can help out. 

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