
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Thank you for choosing to Register with Mines Hockey Club. 

2024 Fees displayed below: 

Hockey Australia Player Levy - collected by Hockey Australia - All Senior and Junior Players will be charged this fee as a minimum upon registration.

Senior Umpiring Levy - Mines Hockey Club is still required to complete junior umpiring and all seniors will be allocated junior umpiring but all Senior Umpiring will be covered in your umpring Levy. 

Payment plans are available and can be discussed with the Treasurer 

When proceeding to register with Mines Hockey Club you agree to abide by all of the Western Australian Government, Hockey WA and EGHA rules regarding COVID19 requirements.

All returning members are required to click ‘Renew’ when re-registering for the 2024 season. Members must also click Renew even if they’re registering in a new/secondary club.
If existing members select Register, it will create a duplicate profile resulting in your prior details not rolling over into this season or they will be unable to register due to an error message appearing stating that they already appear in the system.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us via 
