
Millicent Gymnastics Club


Terms and Conditions

I agree to pay insurance and membership fees.

I agree to follow all gymnastics rules stated in annual emails. 

I agree to follow the code of conduct and club policies stated in the Terms and Conditions.

I give my permission for my child to receive medical/ambulance assistance in case of emergency and agree to pay such costs incurred.

I understand that I may access my child’s personal information withheld by the club upon request.

The information provided to the club regarding enrolment forms is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and I undertake to advise the Club promptly of any changes that may occur.

I agree to pay the TERM CLASS FEE straight out by the due date, 3 weeks from issue date, otherwise you will be asked to hold off attendance until payment is made. Payment plans are available upon request. Payment plan instalments must be paid on time, 3 missed pays and you will be asked to hold off attendance until payments are up to date



Millicent Gymnastics Club Inc.

recognises that passive smoking is hazardous to health and that non-smokers should be protected from tobacco smoke.

Accordingly, the following policy adopted by Millicent Gymnastics Club Inc. applies to the club’s venue as of March 2004.  This policy applies to all staff, members of the Committees, coaches, members, officials, and visitors of Millicent Gymnastics Club Inc.

This policy prohibits smoking within the club’s facilities, including any adjacent areas controlled by the Millicent Gymnastics Club Inc. (for example, toilets, function rooms, verandas).  Smoking is also forbidden within any storage and kitchen areas adjacent to the gym.

All functions held at the Millicent Gymnastics Club Inc. will be smoke-free, and no ashtrays will be placed anywhere in or immediately outside the building.  Appropriate signs will be displayed in these areas.

Non-compliance with this policy will result in the following actions:

Anyone – patron, participant, official, coach or staff member – breaching this policy will first be asked by a staff member to honour the smoke-free status of the organisation, and to refrain immediately from smoking.  If the person persists, a copy of this policy will be provided by a staff member, and the person will be informed that they will be asked to leave the facility.  If necessary, staff may seek the assistance of the committee and/or Head Coach.  In the case of staff and coaches, the Head Coach will interview the person, and inform them that a repeat of the breach will result in a formal interview, with the possibility of a warning being recorded.

This policy will be reviewed every 12 months by the Committee.  The policy will be reproduced in the Club’s Newsletters from time to time, and the Smoke-Free logo will be displayed in the offices and gym.  Adherence to the policy will form part of the gym hire agreement, and of staff contractual arrangements. Millicent Gymnastics Club Inc. will encourage event organisers to promote the Club’s smoke-free status in PA announcements.  The policy will be reproduced on the Club’s web page.

Anyone wishing to discuss any aspect of this policy is invited to contact a member of the Committee, or the Head Coach.  Millicent Gymnastics Club Inc. appreciates the cooperation of everyone involved, in ensuring that we have a safe, smoke-free environment for everyone involved in the sport of gymnastics.
























Premised upon the GSA Member Protection Policy



    1. The Millicent Gymnastics Club Inc. is committed to providing a sport and work environment free of discrimination and harassment (sexual or otherwise) where individuals are treated with respect and dignity.   The Club will not tolerate discriminatory or harassment behaviour under any circumstances.    Where such action is brought to the attention of the Club, it may, at the discretion of the Board of Management, and taking into account expert advice that may be sought from time to time, take disciplinary action against anyone who breaches this Policy.
    2. The Club is committed to ensuring that the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children are maintained at all times during their participation in activities run by the Club and its member bodies.   Accordingly, any person involved in the management or coaching of any member under the age of 18 years may be asked to undergo screening procedures including police and other probity checks.


    1. This Policy applies to all members of the Club, employees, officers, administrators, volunteers, coaches, leaders, judges, athletes and officials (members).

    1. This Policy applies equally to Members involved in each of the Club’s gymnastics gymsports, including Men’s Artistic Gymnastics, Women’s Artistic Gymnastics, Rhythmic Gymnastics, General Gymnastics, Kindergym, Sport Aerobics, Trampoline Sports and Sports Acrobatics.

    1. The Policy applies to behaviour occurring both within and outside the course of the Club’s business, activities and events, when the behaviour involves Members and negatively affects relationships within the Club’s sport and work environment.


    1. Discrimination and all forms of harassment are unlawful under federal, state and territory law.   People engaging in such conduct can have legal action taken against them under these laws.   In some cases, legal action can also be taken against the organisation for which they work or represent.   For this reason, the Club has a legal responsibility to ensure that discrimination or harassment does not occur in the course of any of the Club’s activities.
    2. The law is always the minimum standard for behaviour within the Club and therefore any criminal offence will be reported to the appropriate authorities.



3.3    It is unlawful to treat anyone unfairly on the basis of various attributes or personal characteristics in key areas of public life.

3.3 A Member must not treat a person less favourably than another person on the basis of an attribute (such as race, sex, age, marital status, sexuality, pregnancy or intellectual or physical impairment) than someone else without that attribute in the same or similar circumstances.

3.4 Indirect discrimination is also unlawful.  This means that a Member cannot impose a requirement, condition or practice that is the same for everyone, but which has an unequal or disproportionate effect or result on particular groups.    Unless this type of requirement is reasonable in all the circumstances it is likely to be indirect discrimination, even if there was never any intention to discriminate.



3.6    Harassment can take many forms but can generally be defined as unwelcome verbal or written comments, conduct, or gestures directed toward an individual or group of individuals that the harasser knows, or should reasonably be expected to know, is insulting, intimidating, humiliating, malicious, degrading or offensive.

3.7    Sexual harassment is behaviour that has a sexual element, that is unwelcome and could reasonably be expected, in the circumstances in which it occurs, to offend, humiliate or intimidate the person or people at whom it is directed.

3.8       A Member must not engage in any form of harassment, including:

  • written, verbal or physical abuse or threats;
  • unwelcome physical contact;
  • the display of offensive materials
  • promises or threats in return for sexual favours;
  • unwelcome sexual comments, jokes or propositions
  • homophobic comments or behaviours; or
  • jokes or comments directed at a person’s body, looks, age, race, disability, sexuality

marital status or pregnancy

Intimate Relations

    1. The Club takes the view that intimate sexual relationships between coaches and athletes, while not necessarily constituting unlawful harassment, can have harmful effects on the individual athlete involved, on other athletes and coaches, and on the sport’s public image.
    2. Because there is always a risk that the relative power of the coach has been a factor in the development of such relationships, the Club takes the position that coaches working at all levels should avoid such relationships.

    1. Should a sexual relationship develop between an athlete and a coach, the Club will investigate whether any action against the coach is necessary.   If the Club determines that the sexual relationship is inappropriate, action many be taken to terminate the coaching relationship with the athlete.   Action may include transfer of the coach or, if this is not feasible, a request for resignation or dismissal from employment or coaching duties.

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