
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started


If you have been a member of our club (or any club) across Australia in the past few years, your details (including Australian Sailing Number) should be in our system. If you don't know your Australian Sailing Number, you can look it up here: AS Number Finder


Membership - Annual Renewal and New Members at MILANG REGATTA CLUB

Membership renewal for season 2023/24 is now open.
Please read the instructions below before renewing or registering to join as a new member.

Current or Past Members renewing for season 2023 / 24

All current members must register each year and pay the prescribed fee to be registered as a current member of MRC and have their name and details recorded on the club database.
Membership fees are due on the 1st of September each year.  
All financial members of the Milang Regatta Club will also become members of Australian Sailing (our National Body) and will be entitled to the benefits and privileges provided by Australian Sailing.

If you are not sure which membership type you want, please check the membership categories listed below under "New Members".

If you qualify for our "Family Membership" category (More than 1 adult & 1 youth member)
  (1)  Register yourself first under the category "Family Sailing - Adult 1 "
  (2)  Then renew or register your partner as "Family Sailing - Adult 2 "
  (3)  Then register each child (under 18) separately as "Family Sailing -Youth ".

You will need to know your Australian Sailing membership number to renew.
If you don't remember your Australian Sailing Number check here:  Look up my AS Number
Enter your "First Name" and "Surname" then "Search" to view your AS number.

Select "Renew my club membership" below to register for the 2023/24 season
Then enter your renewal details and pay online by credit card or print an invoice and then pay by bank transfer.

RENEW CLUB MEMBERSHIP - At the bottom of the page

New Members wishing to join the MRC for the first time.

Milang Regatta Club welcomes new members to join our club for sailing and social activities.
Just register using our on-line registration system and pay the prescribed fee to become a current member of MRC; then your name and details will be recorded on the club membership database and you will have access to our club facilities and services.

All financial active sailing members of the Milang Regatta Yacht Club also become members of Australian Sailing (our National Body) and will have access to the services and privileges provided by Australian Sailing including personal accident insurance. 
Check the Australian sailing website for details.

Membership Categories available:

Please select the membership category that best meets your requirements to participate in club activities.

    Sailing Membership

  1. Senior Sailing Member ($120.00) - Persons over 18 with sailing and voting rights.
  2. Junior Membership ($20.00) - Persons under 18 with sailing rights.
  3. Family Membership ($200.00) - A family group residing at the same address; may comprise up to two senior sailors plus any number of youth sailors under 18 years.

   Non - Sailing Membership

  1. Student / Pensioner Member ($25.00) - Persons over 18 with voting right, but no sailing rights.
  2. Shack Owner Membership ($30.00) - Persons of any age with no sailing nor voting rights..
  3. Social Membership ($30.00)  - Persons of any age with no sailing nor voting rights..

Select "Join the Milang Regatta Club" below to register as a New Member of our sailing club.
Just enter your registration details and pay online by credit card or print an invoice and then pay by bank transfer.


If you don't have access to register online.

If you don't have access to a computer or a mobile phone to register online or you don't feel comfortable using the online option, please contact us by email at




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