
Welcome to Meteors Hockey Club 🔥

Meteors Hockey Club has been going strong since our first game played in 1973.  We are a family-friendly club, and we believe that hockey encourages team participation, fun and development for all ages while making some great friends. There's something special about wearing the orange and black and being involved in such an incredible Club.  We welcome all skill levels to Meteors Hockey Club!


To keep up to date

Keep up to date with Meteors Hockey through this website, Meteors Instagram Account and Meteors Hockey Club Facebook page.



Training is held on Thursday afternoon.  


Player Protection

Meteors Hockey Club is committed to the health, safety and general wellbeing of all its members and participants.  The Association is dedicated to providing a safe and prosperous environment for members and providers participating in all Hockey activities.  

To achieve these goals, our club has adopted policies from Gladstone Hockey Associaition, Hockey QLD's policies and Hockey Australia's Member Protection Policy.  A copy of these documents can be found on the Gladstone Hockey Association,  Hockey Queensland and Hockey Australia websites (links below to some of the most relevant policies).

Other Related Links:

Files available for download


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