
Dear Leader's brush with mortal injury

Published Sun 08 Jan 2023


Saturday 7th January 2023 is a day that will live on in infamy at Merricks Beach.  At 12:07pm (give or take 1 or 2 hours), our Dear Leader was seriously injured when he managed to slam his centreboard down on his middle finger resulting in a blackened fingernail.  Not wanting to burden our already overstretched Ambulance service, through the pain and tears, our Brave Leader soldiered on and managed to get himself back to shore.   Next day, to relieve the explosive pressure on his grossly swollen appendage, and after seeking expert medical advice, our Selfless and Heroic Leader performed major self-surgery on the dining table.  Fortunately for everyone (but alas not the dining table, walls and floor), our Great Leader’s surgery was a total success, and he survives intact to lead us for many more years to come.   From our special correspondent Martin Corden (please direct all concerns about the sharing of sensitive medical informaton in this post to him) 
