
April Fools day racing was a day for fools

Published Mon 03 Apr 2023

In an exciting day of racing for fools the fleet was naturally dominated by Laser sailors who demonstrated their swimming if not sailing skills. With 25 knot gusts, and then nearly being becalmed it was a day of contrasts.

In the first race of the day, the Lasers came #1 (Richard), #2 (Martin), #3 (Simon the older), and #4 (Simon the younger) - with the legal contingent of Tom Clarke and Anthony Brand a dismal 5th and 6th. [Truth is a defense in defamation cases boys]. Matt Darby retired, but it seems like he forgot to enter so no harm done there.

The second fools race saw a reversal, with Anthony coming in #1, and the highly skilled (at achieving a suitable handicap) Simon Corden #2. (Well done, if I don't say so myself). Richard Jagger came 5th as his earlier successes had foisted a challenging handicap on him. 

Simon W. was the most consistent sailor of the day - on the podium for a bronze medal in both races.

The fleet was well protected by Jonka and Commodore Pete (rumours that he volunteered for rescue boat duty as he was scared of the 25 knot winds are disputed), while Karen kept a watchful eye from the Tower. 
