
2022-23 results make Martin Corden speechless

Published Wed 05 Jul 2023

Those who attended presentation night were astonished to find Martin Corden was speechless when he was surprised by being announced as the Club Champion for the 2022/23 year.

There were some other surprising results when Mitch Campbell and Toby Rechner won the Iron Couple award, while other results were almost routine when Ian Jeffrey won the Magoo Award (again). There was.a strong youngerset contingient, with Latika Hicks winning the Norma Larsson trophy, Kobe Langford winning the John Hansford trophy, and encouragement awards toJardin Hick, Noah Gurvitch, Annabel Gurvitch, Alex Delany, Natalia Hick. Great effort all round - and wonderful food from the Social Committee.

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2022-23 MYC Results
